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Aala has been living on the streets since she was little. She's had a hard life since her parents died and she ran away from the orphanage where she was abused. 


One day, she was hiding behind a dumpster in an alley when three men struggled into the small street. One man was being dragged by the other two and it seemed they were having a disagreement over money. When the apparent offender was murdered by the other two, Aala shrieked. The men couldn't have any witnesses so they beat Aala until they thought she was dead, too. 


Now she is unconscious and broken in an alley and if someone doesn't get to her soon, she will die.

Name: Aala Sinclaire

Gender: Female

Age: 19-23

Height: 5'4"

Weight: thin

Hair: black

Eyes: blue

Scars: small scars on her arms and legs just from a tough life on the streets.

Personality: kind, but timid. She was not meant for a hard life.

Mannerisms: Frequently flinching at quick movements and has a hard time relaxing.

Likes: blankets and showers.

Dislikes: loud noises and when people watch her.

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